Data-driven computational pipelines
Long ago we had shell scripts and Makefiles π many many hacky solutions around shell scripts and Makefiles
Now we have Nextflow, Snakemake, Cromwell, Galaxy β¦. π€―:
A nextflow pipeline can
- combine multiple programs sequentially and in parallel
- run on different executors: e.g. local computer, LSF, k8s, AWS, slurm β¦
- use containers (Docker, singularity)
- manages input/output dependencies, concurrency, resources (cpus, memory)
- retry failed tasks
- resume interrupted workflows; data is cached
- and more
Nextflow removes all the hassle of organising files in directories
- It does it for you.
- Files become more like variables and arrays
- These are passed between processes/tasks
- Units of computation are tasks, each task has its own task directory
- A parallelised process will have multiple tasks
- Nextflow takes care of linking files between task directories
- Task directories show you how NF works, allow inspection / debugging
We send/get files (and values) to/from channels
- Channel operations allow us to organise the data flow
- No need to handle files after making them, they appear by (channel) magic
- Using nextflow operators such as
et cetera - Nextflow translates these operations to file-system task directory organisation
Configuration and executor
This is well documented (see end of this presentation), and can be copied/modified from existing pipelines. In the simplest case, local executor, use this:
executor {
name = 'local'
cpus = 16
memory = '48GB'
withName: myniceprocess1 {
cpus = 2
memory = 30.GB
withName: myniceprocess2 {
cpus = 4 // Needs hook; see below
memory = 20.GB
e.g. in a file local.config
and add -c local.config
to the nextflow command line.
This is useful for example on an Openstack instance. If the instance has N GB, specify
N-4 GB in the config (leave 4 for nextflow itself), and leave one or two CPUs for Nextflow.
With the above, Nextflow will calculate how many jobs it can run concurrently using all CPUs and memory (but not more).
Use the Nextflow option -with-report
to get a very pretty report on time, disk, and memory usage.
Finally, configuration is powerful, and allows e.g.
withName: star {
errorStrategy = { task.exitStatus == 130 ? 'retry' : 'ignore' }
cpus = { 8 * Math.min(2, task.attempt) }
// Note below grows to about 100GB on 2 retries.
memory = { 40.GB * task.attempt * 1.6 ** (task.attempt - 1) }
Code examples
The examples in this introduction are very abstract; files with small/nonsensical content, no bioinformatics programs. To understand Nextflow you donβt need those, and it helps to keep things small. Itβs the quickest way to test: Just mimic the structure (presence and relationship) of files going in and out, whatβs in them does not matter.
Nextflow is a unix tool: you put files in, and you get more files.
This introduction focuses heavily on channels and files. Towards the very end it may be a tiny bit overwhelming; but the reward is a fully functional non-trivial little pipeline with manifest file, input reading, and scatter/gather parallelisation.
A single process
params.str = 'the quick brown dog jumps over a lazy dog'
params.outdir = 'results'
process splitLetters {
publishDir "${params.outdir}/1", mode: 'link'
file 'chunk_*'
printf '!{params.str}' | split -b 10 - chunk_
// Things to notice:
// - params (user options) are implicitly overridden on command line.
// - params command line: double dash, e.g. --str 'pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs' sets params.str
// - Nextflow command line options: single dash, e.g. -ansi-log false -with-trace -w <workdirectory>.
// - String variable interpolation in publishDir.
// - Alternative variable interpolation in shell section - useful as it's shell code.
// - Tag is useful in more realistic cases, accepts variable interpolation as well
Example invocations:
./nextflow run
./nextflow run --str 'pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs'
On-disk organisation by Nextflow
node-10-5-1,nfs_s/svd/ws/scripts () tree -a work
βββ 24
βββ 0b94aa028934c3e5983d05d08bf80a
βββ .command.begin <- sentinel file when task starts
βββ .command.err <- command stderr
βββ .command.log <- log output from the executor; could (only) contain command stderr
βββ .command.out <- command stdout
βββ <- contains tracing code, environment set-up e.g. singularity
βββ <- contains the code in our shell: section, nothing else
βββ .exitcode <- what it says on the tin
βββ chunk_aa
βββ chunk_ab
βββ chunk_ac >- the outputs of our shell: section
βββ chunk_ad
βββ chunk_ae
If something goes wrong during a pipeline execution,
you can change to the directory and inspect .command.err
, .command.out
, and .command.log
, and
also inspect any input files to the process. These are not present in this example, but will be
symbolic links to files in other task directories if present (see later examples).
Issue bash
to re-run the command interactively. You can make changes to
or change your environment if useful.
Bigger scripts can be put in a bin
directory at the same level as the nextflow script that is being run.
This is how nextfow pipelines are structured in git repositories. Scripts and programs that are in your
environment are also available of course. The above script can be run like this:
params.str = 'the quick brown dog jumps over a lazy dog'
params.outdir = 'results'
process splitLetters {
publishDir "${params.outdir}/1", mode: 'link'
file 'chunk_*'
''' "!{params.str}"
As we have the script
in the bin directory. Note that it does not need to be in the PATH
variable. Any type of script (Python, R, Julia et cetera) can be used.
Resuming a pipeline
Example invocations:
./nextflow run -resume
If you add -resume
to the nextflow command line, Nextflow will re-use as many
of the cached results in the work directory as it can. If the previous
pipeline invocation (with the same parameters, the same input, and the same
code) ran to completion, Nextflow will not run any new processes. If the
pipeline previously failed for some reason (e.g. compute node failed, disk
quota exceeded, program not found), you can fix the problem and rerun with
. Nextflow will re-use all the successful tasks and continue where it
left off. Changing a process in the pipeline will invalidate the cached results
for that process, but cached result for other processes are not affected as long
as they are not downstream of the changed process.
Using multiple CPUs
If the process can use multiple CPUs you have to tell it how many using the
Nextflow task
object. Processes do not magically know this. These are
examples from shell:
sections in our rnaseq pipeline:
samtools merge -@ !{task.cpus} -f !{outcramfile} !{crams}
fastqc -t !{task.cpus} -q !{reads}
bracer assemble -p !{task.cpus} -s !{spec} out-!{samplename} out_asm f1 f2
STAR --genomeDir !{index} \\
--sjdbGTFfile !{gtf} \\
--readFilesIn !{reads} --readFilesCommand zcat \\
--runThreadN !{task.cpus} \\
--twopassMode Basic \\
--outWigType bedGraph \\
--outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate \\
--outSAMunmapped Within \\
--runDirPerm All_RWX \\
--quantMode GeneCounts \\
--outFileNamePrefix !{samplename}.
Understanding channels and files is key to working with Nextflow
- Start small
- Stay small
- Small building blocks
- (small) Toy examples to create a skeleton channel structure
Two processes communicating
params.str = 'the quick brown dog jumps over a lazy dog'
params.outdir = 'results'
process splitLetters {
publishDir "${params.outdir}/2", mode: 'link'
output: file 'chunk_*' into ch_letters
printf '!{params.str}' | split -b 10 - chunk_
process convertToUpper {
publishDir "${params.outdir}/2", mode: 'link'
input: file x from ch_letters.flatten() // -------- parallelisation! ------- //
output: file('*.txt') into ch_morestuff
cat !{x} | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]' > hw.!{task.index}.txt
ch_morestuff.view() // -------- useful inspection ------ //
In this example we use !{task.index}
to make the output file names unique, but will
normally not be necessary; meaningful file names can be constructed from a sample ID for
example, as shown later here.
Example invocations:
nextflow run -ansi-log false # because we are using 'view()' on a channel
nextflow run -ansi-log false --str 'pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs'
On-disk organisation by Nextflow
βββ 14
βΒ Β βββ 189a1698db6c02c0b49331ccc5e0f9
βΒ Β βββ .command.begin
βΒ Β βββ .command.err
βΒ Β βββ .command.log
βΒ Β βββ .command.out
βΒ Β βββ
βΒ Β βββ
βΒ Β βββ .exitcode
βΒ Β βββ chunk_aa -> /nfs/users/nfs_s/svd/ws/scripts/work/2a/921c9654039200cf6bd8947f2c549e/chunk_aa
βΒ Β βββ hw.1.txt
βββ 2a
βΒ Β βββ 921c9654039200cf6bd8947f2c549e
βΒ Β βββ .command.begin
βΒ Β βββ .command.err
βΒ Β βββ .command.log
βΒ Β βββ .command.out
βΒ Β βββ
βΒ Β βββ
βΒ Β βββ .exitcode
βΒ Β βββ chunk_aa
βΒ Β βββ chunk_ab
βΒ Β βββ chunk_ac
βββ 3e
βΒ Β βββ a151050f95bb3f6ab87c458ac98541
βΒ Β βββ .command.begin
βΒ Β βββ .command.err
βΒ Β βββ .command.log
βΒ Β βββ .command.out
βΒ Β βββ
βΒ Β βββ
βΒ Β βββ .exitcode
βΒ Β βββ chunk_ab -> /nfs/users/nfs_s/svd/ws/scripts/work/2a/921c9654039200cf6bd8947f2c549e/chunk_ab
βΒ Β βββ hw.2.txt
βββ e9
βββ ab41e17c2dd5ff570dbe87b9071b3e
βββ .command.begin
βββ .command.err
βββ .command.log
βββ .command.out
βββ .exitcode
βββ chunk_ac -> /nfs/users/nfs_s/svd/ws/scripts/work/2a/921c9654039200cf6bd8947f2c549e/chunk_ac
βββ hw.3.txt
Merge multiple inputs
params.str = 'the quick brown dog jumps over a lazy dog'
params.outdir = 'results'
process splitLetters {
publishDir "${params.outdir}/3", mode: 'link'
output: file 'chunk_*' into ch_letters
shell: 'printf "!{params.str}" | split -b 10 - chunk_'
process convertToUpper {
publishDir "${params.outdir}/3", mode: 'link'
input: file x from ch_letters.flatten()
output: file('*.txt') into ch_merge
shell: 'cat !{x} | tr "[a-z]" "[A-Z]" > hw.!{task.index}.txt'
process mergeData {
echo true
publishDir "${params.outdir}/3", mode: 'link'
input: file inputs from ch_merge.collect()
output: file('summary.txt')
echo "I have files !{inputs}"
md5sum !{inputs} > summary.txt
nextflow run -ansi-log false
Read fastq files with sample ID
.set { ch_fastq_align }
process alignReads {
echo true
input: set val(sample_id), file(fastqs) from ch_fastq_align
output: set val(sample_id), file('*.bam') into ch_bam
f1 = fastqs[0]
f2 = fastqs[1]
echo "align reads input: !{sample_id} !{fastqs}"
echo "Equivalently: !{sample_id} f1 !{f1} f2 !{f2}"
# please pretend this is an alignment program
cat !{fastqs} | gzip -c > !{sample_id}.bam
nextflow run -ansi-log false
Import data using manifest file; split data, compute, merge back
nextflow run --datadir $PWD/inputs -ansi-log false
params.samplefile = 'manifest.txt'
params.datadir = ''
params.chunksize = 35
params.outdir = 'results'
Channel.fromPath(params.samplefile).set { samplelist }
process import_data {
when: params.datadir != ''
input: set val(sample_id), val(fname) from samplelist.splitCsv(sep: '\t').view { "splitcsv: $it" }
output: set val(sample_id), file("${sample_id}.*") into ch_chunky // for each sample ID,
// split its data into chunks
if [[ ! -e $filename ]]; then
echo "File $filename not found!"
split -l !{params.chunksize} $filename !{sample_id}.
.view { "chunk $it" }
.transpose() // separate the chunks
.view { "transpose $it" } // standard idiom; a pattern
.set { ch_chunks }
process do_a_sample_chunk {
echo true
input: set val(sample_id), file(chunk) from ch_chunks
output: set val(sample_id), file('*.max') into ch_scatter
echo "parallel execution: !{sample_id} !{chunk}"
sort -n !{chunk} | tail -n 1 > !{chunk}.max
process samples_gather {
echo true
publishDir "${params.outdir}/5", mode: 'link'
input: set val(sample_id), file(maxes) from ch_scatter.groupTuple() // re-unite the chunks
output: file('*.integrated')
echo "integrate: !{sample_id} !{maxes}"
cat !{maxes} > !{sample_id}.integrated
Github repositories
If something looks like a github repository, Nextflow will download it.
nextflow run cellgeni/rnaseq --fastqdir adir --samplefile manifest.txt
will clone the repository and run the file
in that repository.
Any custom scripts that are needed are present in the bin
directory in the repository.
Further notes/topics
is a relatively new feature, many pipelines still usescript:
. They are identical except thatshell
has much cleaner variable interpolation. Useshell:
.- Nextflow is based on Java/groovy, no need to know either
- DSL2
- allows re-use of processes and sub-workflows
- introduces abstraction layer; a very compact representation of workflow
- executors (enabled configured with different profiles)
- process configuration (memory/cpus/failure mode)
software environments: containers (docker/singularity), conda
For these:
- Nextflow documentation
- Look at existing repositories
- Ask NF people on Mattermost, Gitter, IRL, via e-mail, post β¦
Documentation, contact, examples
Nextflow documentation Previous cellgeni workshop
Cellgen mattermost channel Stijn on mattermost Nextflow gitter channel Nextflow sanger support gitter channel
Workflow mailing list Workflow coffee morning - Mondays 10:30, bi-weekly, announced on mailing list Cellgen coffee stand-up - Wednessdays 14:00 Morgan atrium
Existing patterns and examples Nextflow patterns Stijnβs nextflow patterns
Existing NF repositories cellgeni RNAseq cellgeni data sharing cellgeni atac-seq (devel)
A community effort to collect a curated set of analysis pipelines built using Nextflow